Monday, October 19, 2009 | By: Jenna
I was reading a very good book this morning, and I realized that if I ever wanted to write a good book, I would need to figure out what, exactly, I am writing about. And I would need to have a lot of things to say about whatever I am writing about. Then I would just need to write about it. It sounded like a simple enough formula: 1) Figure out what you are writing about, 2) Have a lot to say about it, 3) Say it in writing (I would add in, "with humor," for sales strategy). Then I realized something else: I don't think I could ever stay focused enough to write a good book about something. Unless, of course, it was a book about realizations... I might be able to write a good book about realizations... but whoever wants to read a book about that...


Andrew Ratiani said...

I DO! i want to read a book about that!

katie said...

i would read it! i know what you mean though...i've always wanted to write a book but i never knew what to write about

Bryan said...

I'd read one too.

it'd be a very wonderful thing.