Saturday, February 21, 2009 | By: Jenna

If her 'birth'day never happened...

It's my best friend's birthday today (she has no idea I'm writing this...), but i just got off the phone from leaving her a voice message and was overwhelmed with how crazy-significant her place in my life has been. I'll say I met her sophomore year of high school (since we've both decided that the jealousy-filled awareness of each other freshman year doesn't count... even when I indirectly gave her a cheeto...)

My life hasn't been the same since.

Alex takes life seriously, as I always have... but never to the point of not being able to sit around a coffee shop for hours figuring out different ways of saying, "marijuana" to make it sound like we're speaking some sort of long lost, intense, romance language (You've gotta really get the rolling phlegm behind it). And she takes her faith in Christ even more seriously... but never to the err of shutting out the joys of culture, laughter, and beauty that He gives as such gracious gifts everyday.

I remember the first time I was officially introduced to Alex--outside that good ol' YHS front office, waiting for our parents to progress through the line of the two-mile long traffic that always formed down School Road around 2:47pm. We had a mutual friend, Amy, who has an American Idol voice if I've ever heard one. And Amy (for whatever reason) always dragged me into singing harmonies with her randomly around campus. On this day, Amy was in a City On A Hill mood (as opposed to Celine or Aretha--the more common inspirations). So we loitered around the 'parent-pick-up-spot' gettin our "God of Wonders" on.

...BUT, the reason for "God of Wonders" was no random inspiration at all... in fact, it was pretty intended... I think cause Alex knew I wouldn't be able to say "no."

Through Amy, I was informally (but, yes, now officially) introduced to Alex. And the first thing Alex said???

"Can you sing that 'Lord of heaven and earth' part? Yeah, Amy, you sing the echo... Jenna, you know the 'Lord of heaven and earth' part... it's my favorite part with your voice. Will you sing that part?"

Sheesh. But I did. Cause, freshman-year judgments aside, I had always liked Alex, and I always secretly wanted her to like me.

...They're strange things... people-pleasing tendencies... but sometimes they start friendships that, haha, you realize go a lot deeper than ever being able to "please" the person into loving you. Now, Alex just loves me. It's not all about her favorite part of the song with my voice anymore ;). And I'm not just the timid sophomore looking for some really cool girl's approval.

About me, she knows what's unpleasing--and about her, I know what's not so cool. We actually know each other pretty darn well, I'd say...

...And as I left her that message this morning (my sickly, snotty voice singing "happy birthday" in the most unoriginal, quiet, and boring fashion imagineable) I started thinking, "Boy, I'm really glad God made Alex... twenty-two years ago today, the world got a great gift--I got a great gift... and we didn't even know it yet..."

It's silly, I know. It's simple. But I couldn't help writing about Alex today...Because I just wouldn't be the same if her 'birth'day never happened.


Wendy said...

What a neat way to honor your friend on her day...I can imagine that she is just as thankful for're a good friend, Jenna Barney :)

Danae said...

that's so wonderful. I love her too. :) Not only cuz I liked her when I met her, but because she has blessed your life, Jenna. Yay Alex. :)

Meghan said...

you are the sweetest, jenna!

Alexandra Michel said...

I'm overwhelmed Jenna... I don't know what to say other than you should write my eulogy when i die.....jk...
Jenna no one has ever wrote me something that has blessed me more. I'm so glad that the God OF Wonders, Jesus, brought us together:) your so beautiful and have the kindest spirit, this was my favorite birthday present:)