Friday, October 31, 2008 | By: Jenna


Yup. I did. I finished the song I'm writing.

"Promises of Love"
Read Psalm 27:13-14 and you'll get the heart and thought behind it.

Other than that...
wanna hear about my day? (if not, stop reading here... *)

My day...insane...

Here's the run-down if you're interested:

5:50am, drove to Walmart for a light saber (best purchase of the week--bothering people all day with it--LOVED it).
6:30am, parked outside the school gym--studied for my Intro to Bio test.
6:50am, went inside the school gym--lights, tuned, and plugged in for sound check.
7:00am, sound check...
8:00am, Intro to Bio test.
9:00am, prep for Cultural Anthropology presentation.
10:00am, chapel...
11:30am, Cultural Anthropology presentation (light saber time...)
12:30am, lunch with Wendy. so great. :)
1:30pm, planned on ditching Life and Letters of Paul class...
1:50pm, Wendy made me go to Life and Letters of Paul class...
2:00pm, stabbed myself in the eye because I CAN'T STAND Life and Letters of Paul class (ok, not really...but I imagined it)
2:10pm, wrote Kate Agudo a note in LLP class--it was about how I wanted to finish my song tonight. (check)
2:30pm, Kate and I were forced to participate in Life/Letters of Paul class!!
2:50pm, freedom...
3:00pm, Intro to Political Science class .....Elections. 'Nuff said.
3:45pm, let out of Pol Sci early! (not even cause I set the clock forward five minutes either)
4:00pm, Yaks Happy Hour baby!
4:05("four-fo-five")pm, FOO FOO FRIDAYS!!! (du-nu-nu-nu, nu-nu-nu-nu, nu-nu-nuh!)
4:25...ish pm, Hannah, Sarah, Emily, and Kate, laughing at me and my light saber. I have no idea why. I think they were jealous.
5:00pm, stuff happened...
6:05pm, dinner with Wendy--double great. :)
7:30pm, volleyball game... "S-U!" (which always sounds like "F-U!")
8:30pm, back to my song...
10:30pm, song--pretty much finished.
11:05pm, "Yup"

Yup. Done.

Now(11:09pm), it's bed time.


hannahrae said...

FOO FOO FRI-DAY duh na na youre the music one...

I LOVE YOU and i want to hear your song!

Jenna said...

hannah! what are you doing right now?!!

Sarah said...

yep.."stuff happened" we got to hang out!...selfish style!

I love you!..yeah I really do...I love you enough to read your blog anyway:)

Jenna said...

and i love you enough to comment back on my own blog...

Wendy said...

How dang blessed am I...lunch AND dinner with Jenna Barney :) Sure do love you Jenna Barney!