Saturday, December 27, 2008 | By: Jenna

pink sweater, razor scooter, and a scowl...

No... those aren't things I got for Christmas. But my family and I did get a scowl from the little girl in the pink sweater on a razor scooter yesterday... Because my aunt is bad at directions... and because we all have way too much fun together.

Janelle and I were trying to decide if it's more accurate to say "make a right" or "take a right" when telling someone directions... my aunt was telling my dad directions at the time, so we thought it was fairly relevant.

As my dad is making jokes--probably to counteract the frustration--and my mom and aunt are contradicting, supporting, and repeating both themselves and each other (it's what they do), my sister and I are in the back giggling at the fact that we are in a downtown Pomona neighborhood looking for a Joann's fabric store, which, according to my aunt's directions, has required us to make (or "take") five rights, two u-turns, and cruise around three culdesacs so far. We're asking, amidst all the commotion, what their opinion of our "make" or "take a turn" question is, and (bless their hearts) my mom and aunt take us seriously and try to answer...and try to keep giving directions...AND try to figure out who is going to get the first mixed cd that they've talked me into making them. My dad is still joking on the outside... pleading with Jesus on the inside i think...

And then, we see her... the little girl in the pink sweater on a razor scooter...scowling. She recognizes our car (five rights and a few u-ies get you back to very familiar places) and we have just circled our fourth culdesac in her neighborhood, passing by her lit, candy-cane arch-way for the third time. I didn't want to seem like a scaredy cat, so I kept my mouth shut about the vision that flashed before my eyes in that moment--Little girl rolls up her fuzzy pink sleeves, chucks her razor scooter through our car window, screaming at us to scram from her neck of the woods... I saw it all in that scowl. And I was scared.

Don't let pink sweaters deceive you... be careful whose culdesac you get lost in...

Thankfully, we found Joann's fabric store... half-hour later, not in a neighborhood...

And we made it alive--car windows in tact.


hannahrae said...

i had to read that twice...i love your mind/visions.

and i wish you were around on Christmas eve. you totally could have taken the thief!

Sarah said...

she was wearing pink much damage can a sweater like that do?

I see you've gone delusional.

Jenna said...

don't underestimate pink... my bowling ball was pink last night, and i got like seven strikes...

..the power of pink. it even fights breast cancer.

i think my caution was warranted in light of these things.